Hi Folks. I am not one for taking classes (especially when I am saving up for my wedding in 163 days). But I couldn't let this one slip away...
A few years ago, I came across some amazing handwriting doodling done by a woman named Eileen Hull. I began following her on social media and last Fall had the opportunity to meet her in Rhode Island. I had taken the 25 minute trip just to say 'Hi' while she was in between classes at Bella Art. I had asked her if she had plans to do anything at a store much closer to home and she said that she would look into it. Well. today was the day. She came to Right at Home Scrapbooking in North Attleboro, Ma to teach two classes. The first one of the day just happened to be the handwriting doodling class. YIKES.
This is a picture of some of her work. I just love everything about it. Just the fact that it is all done free hand is amazing to me. I learned so much from her today and so excited to get practicing.
This is the project I did...an adorable box with this pull out card. I did a different border on each side just as a sample card for me to have in the future. My letters need help but... practice makes perfect.
A huge thank you to Eileen for inspiring me to today to be a little more creative.
This is me outside her vintage camper. If you havent seen this in person, you should. It is absolutely adorable. It makes me dream of bigger things for me and a prata designs. You can follow Eileen Hull here @ http://www.eileenhull.com.